An Indefinable Feeling
One of the first few words in a person’s vocabulary is the word love. Love may be interpreted in so many ways, may be linked to numerous people, objects and events, and may be used with different meanings. But what is the true meaning of love? According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, love is an intense affectionate concern for another person, a strong liking or enthusiasm for something, a beloved person, and the list goes on. Though there are numerous meanings and definitions of love, no one can really define the word love. Therefore, love is an indefinable feeling for a living or non-living thing.
Love may come in different forms, may it be love for parents, love fore friends, love for pleasure, love for material things, love for God, and many alike. Parental love, the love for parents, may be the first love a human being feels. From the time the child is conceived till the time the child has died, there is a special bond between the child and the parent. For nine months, the child is connected to the mother through the umbilical cord, which serves as the source of living of the fetus. Through this cord, there is a physical attachment, which is formed between mother and child. The physical attachment leads to the emotional attachment one feels; combining these two results in the feeling of love.
The word love may be related to different emotions. Love may be directly related to happiness. When one experiences love, he/she feels the emotion of happiness, like a weight is lifted from him/her and all worries are gone. Love also brings the sense of belongingness. When one is loved, he/she becomes part of a group, which brings companionship. Loyalty is a main part of love. Being loyal to a single or a group of people is important in keeping one’s love strong. Though one may love a lot of things, the love he gives to each should be true. Compassion is also a word that can be related to the word love. Through one’s compassion, he/she is able to show how important a person or thing is through giving affection and interest.
Different forms of love may result in stronger bonds. The love of a mother for her child may result into a closer and more intimate relationship. This parental love is a way for a mother to show greater understanding of her child’s well-being and awareness of what’s happening in her child’s life. The love of two people, for example a married couple, may result in conceiving another human being and giving life to it. This form of love leads to the greater connection, which is seen in the form of trust, communication and affection between the two people. The act of giving life to another human being results in parental love a parent would feel, especially a mother, to his/her child. Finally, the love for God results in the strengthening and belief in one’s faith, thus, having a more intimate connection with God.
With all these examples and definitions stated, we can say that love is a broad and an elusive concept but still is one of the most used words in the dictionary. Though one may not really know the true meaning of love, whatever the definition they give, as long as it falls under the affection for something, this may be considered love.
Reference list:
Merriam-webster online dictionary. Retrieved November 30, 2009 from
Out of all the essays we had to write, I think writing the descriptive essay was the hardest. First of all, the topic I chose was so broad it was so hard to describe. Secondly, I didn’t really get to understand how writing a descriptive essay should be. I think that my essay is a bit confusing and that there is no main idea. The organization of thought to was a bit messy. If I was given the chance to change my topic, I would. If not I think that sticking with one main idea for the subject would make my paper less confusing than it is now.
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